
The Muscular Dystrophy Family Foundation very much appreciates all of our supporters past and present for providing us with funding to be able to give accessible vans to Hoosiers navigating the difficulties of living life with muscular dystrophy and transportation needs. Having an accessible vehicle is highly important for fostering independence and helping individuals and families live life to the fullest.

We at MDFF are so very grateful for the financial support from the Timothy John Sheehan Memorial Endowment Fund, a fund of Hamilton County Community Foundation. The foundation makes our mission of serving MD families possible. We could not do it without the support of those in the local community. Our hearts are very appreciative.

We are also glad to partner with Superior Van & Mobility for getting the Wickizer family their accessible van. Together, we make a tremendous difference to give individuals and families access to transportation.

Below is a Q&A with Mary the Mother:

What was the moment like when you found out that you were getting a van?

I was at home with Isaac when they called with the news and I felt so many emotions at one time. First, I was definitely surprised, then excited, thankful, overjoyed, relieved, partially in disbelief, as well as an enormous amount of gratitude. I immediately fell to my knees and cried! It’s a surreal feeling. Almost unbelievable that something like this could even be possible. 

What does having the van mean to you and your family?

 Having an accessible van means independence and comfort for Isaac. 

What is a fun trip that you have done in your van? What is a fun trip you have planned for the future? 

We’re going back to Disney World and Give Kids the World in Florida. We went there for Isaac’s Make-A-Wish trip in 2022 and it was absolutely wonderful to see Isaac be included in so many things. With air travel not a viable option for Isaac, having not only an accessible vehicle, but a large enough vehicle to accommodate all his medical devices and supplies is an immense game changer. 

What would you tell other families who are looking for hope and help?

 Never give up! Be persistent. 

Anything you would like to say to the donors who support MDFF? 

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for your compassion, generosity, and dedication to families with muscular dystrophy. God Bless you all! Thank you for giving Isaac his independence!